Author Guide



JLIS is a semi-annual scholarly journal published in June and December by the Department of Library & Information Science of the National Taiwan University. JLIS welcomes unsolicited submissions of manuscripts in library and information science, bibliography, documentation, archival studies, educational technologies and other related fields from all parts of the world. JLIS is sponsored by National Taiwan University and the National Science and Technology Council. JLIS currently does not charge publication fees from authors. Authors receive two complimentary copies of the issue in which their works are printed. All content published in JLIS is publicly accessible via the journal's Web site and in National Taiwan University Journal Database. Contact us for more information.

本刊為開放取用之學術性期刊,採紙本與線上同步出版。營運經費由國立臺灣大學及國家科學及技術委員會贊助,不向作者收取出版費,亦不致稿酬;來稿一經刊出,致贈當期期刊二本。所有在本刊刊出之文章,均可透過 本網站臺灣大學學術期刊資料庫免費取得。

若有任何疑問,請與本刊編輯委員會 聯絡

Submission Format 投稿規格

JLIS is a peer-reviewed open access journal. All manuscripts submitted to the JLIS will undergo a double-blind review. Each manuscript will be assigned to at least two reviewers to maintain quality and fairness. After reviews are completed, the editor will notify the author of the decision: accept, accept with minor revisions, major revisions required, or reject.

  1. All invited and unsolicited manuscripts must be original works written in English or Mandarin Chinese. The text length limit is 10,000 words for English manuscripts and 20,000 words for Chinese manuscripts (including references). The authors may be asked to provide an English editing certificate.
  2. Please include the following information in the manuscript: title, author name, job title, affiliation, email, abstract (300 words), and keywords (no more than five). Manuscripts written in Chinese must provide the aforementioned information in both Chinese and English.
  3. JLIS accepts manuscript submissions through the OJS online submission system. Manuscripts should be prepared in Microsoft Word compatible format (no PDF). Illustrations files should be prepared in JPEG (at least 600 dpi), TIFF or PNG.


  1. 中英文不拘,中文稿件文長以二萬字為原則,英文稿件以一萬字為原則;必要時,本刊將請作者提供英文編修證明。
  2. 來稿請附下列資訊:中英文姓名、中英文現職、E-mail、中英文篇名、中英文摘要(各三百字以內)、中英文關鍵字(各五個以內)。
  3. 投稿請利用本刊線上投稿暨評閱系統,檔案格式須相容於Microsoft Word(請勿提供PDF),圖表請附可編輯之原始檔案,圖片解析度不小於600 dpi。

Citation Format引註格式

All manuscripts must conform to the seventh edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.
Authors are required to obtain copyright clearance for any copyrighted material used in their manuscripts. JLIS resumes no responsibility for authors’ use of copyrighted materials in their manuscripts.

引用文獻著錄格式請使用APA Style第七版論文格式,作者應保證無侵害他人著作權或損及學術倫理之情事。


JLIS adopts the CC BY-NC-ND under Creative Commons Attributions 4.0 International as open access attribution. All authors publishing with JLIS must authorize JLIS to do the following:

  • publish the manuscript in the journal and its derivative publications;
  • reproduce and distribute the manuscript in printed, electronic, or other medium;
  • provide access to the manuscript in its electronic databases via Internet and other forms of transmission and authorize other database service providers to provide access.

The authors have the rights to re-publish the papers in other publications and to use the papers for Internet self-archiving. Upon republication, the authors should acknowledge the original publication of the works in JLIS.

本刊採用CC創用4.0國際CC BY-NC-ND(姓名標示-非商業性-禁止改作)模式。於本刊刊出文章之作者,須授權本刊從事以下行為:本刊可進行數位化典藏、重製、發行、透過網路公開傳輸、授權用戶下載及列印;為符合資料庫之需求,並得進行格式之變更。惟作者仍保有未來集結出版及網站公開傳輸與自我典藏等個人使用之權利,作者在再出版之著作中,亦須清楚註明於本刊初次出版之完整書目資訊。

Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement出版倫理聲明

JLIS strives for the highest level of ethical research and publishing. All authors and editorial staff should follow the principles as in our Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement.
